Saturday, February 5, 2011

Motivation, what happened to you?!

Before our wedding, I was going to the gym every morning religiously (weekdays: 5am, weekends: 7am) and doing intervals on my treadmill at home about 5 days a week. Even A joined the gym and met me every morning at 5am for his own cardio workout. I hired a trainer and she worked with me once a week, kicking my butt into high gear. It was awesome. We both lost weight for our wedding and looked fabulous. 

Wedding's over, my motivation is gone. Living with someone makes it so hard to get up at 4:45am to work out. I would much rather snuggle with my new husband. Oh, my jeans are snug? That's fine. It's the summer and I'm going to wear loose dresses and skirts. 

The summer comes and since I don't have to get up early for work, I do make it to the gym almost everyday. School starts again in September and I don't see the gym for weeks. October comes. My best friend's wedding. I can't zip the bridesmaid dress! I rush to Lord & Taylor to buy underwear to hold me in so the dress will zip. I vow to eat fish and water from that day until her wedding. It works. The dress zips.

Friend's wedding comes and goes. I start running on my treadmill every afternoon after work for 30-45 minutes. I even join Weight Watchers. My clothes are slowly starting to fit again. I'm feeling great. Mid-November comes . . . my appendix decides to rupture. I'm out of commission for almost 2 weeks and when I do start back up, I'm not allowed to lift any weights for a while and I'm scared to run for fear of ripping my scars. I start with walking and do eventually get myself back to running again, but not as good as I was doing before.

It's the holidays. Delicious food is everywhere. Parties. Three course meals. Irresistible desserts. Lots of drinks. I stick with Weight Watchers and although I don't lose any weight, I don't gain either. Fine. I can deal with that.

January was a bust. I tried to get up at 4:45am during the weekdays but the cold and the snow kept me in bed. My gym clothes are tight. What will I wear? I slowly start making my way back. I go in the afternoon so I don't have to see any of my morning workout friends for fear of embarrassment. 

This past week, I made it back to the gym in the mornings (just a few times, not everyday, but still, not a bad effort.) My friends had missed me (they wondered if maybe I was pregnant and that's why I wasn't coming. Oh, if only.) The spin instructor said she knew I'd be back. 

Everyone falls off the wagon. But I'm climbing back on.

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